BringHome100, our former campaign

BringHome100, our former campaign

In baseball, the benchmark for an all-star season is 100 RBIs. When runners are in scoring position, a player steps up to the plate, rises to the challenge and brings them home. When a kid goes missing, it is much the same – people need to rise to the challenge to bring that child safely home.

As a former pitcher drafted by the Cubs, I know the importance of setting and attaining measurable goals.Dennis Bair baseball card

“BringHome100” is a campaign of The BairFind Foundation that is rising to the challenge of finding missing children by being the first to set a goal, of bringing 100 missing children safely home from around the country. We do this with your support and by bringing awareness to the public about missing children in their area. Through our programs with professional sports teams, standing with the families of missing children, and utilizing contacts with the media, to date, 65 of the children we have featured have been brought safely home. With your help, we will continue our efforts until we have reached our goal of bringing home 100.

– Dennis Bair, founder of The BairFind Foundation